Phone: 08 9457 3993 Book an Appointment

Our Practice Policies

Privacy and managing patient health information

To protect your privacy our practice operates strictly in accordance with the Privacy Act. All information collected in our practice is treated as ‘sensitive information’. We use the information you provide to manage your personal health care. We generally disclose selected information to various other health services involved in supporting your health care management (e.g. pathology, x-ray, specialists.

Your medical record is a confidential document, and this practice has a written policy in place to maintain privacy and security of personal health information at all times. This practice will not disclose your personal health information to a third party unless you have consented to this disclosure, or this disclosure is necessary because you are at risk of harm without treatment, and you are unable to give consent.

If you would like further information, please request at reception, to see our privacy policy outlining the management of your health information.

Booking App

Phone Bookings

Call reception to arrange your next appointment 9457 3993

Book Online

Click here to book an appointment online

or download the App and have it installed on your phone for quick access to book your next appointment.

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Shelley Hub Family Practice is a professional medical centre with a mission for quality healthcare. Doctors, nurses and allied health providers will take care of your most precious possession, your health.


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Shelley Hub Family Practice Appointments & Fees