Phone: (08) 9457 3993 Book an Appointment

Diabetes Care

Doctors provide a structured approach to diabetes care, which includes annual detailed whole-of-health management plans

Doctors provide a structured approach to the care of chronic conditions. These serve as clear roadmaps for you and your healthcare professionals, granting access to Medicare funding for allied health services such as podiatry, dietetics, or exercise physiology, if needed. We partner with diabetes educators, dietitians, and other allied health professionals to assist with your health.

Booking App

Phone Bookings

Call reception to arrange your next appointment 9457 3993

Book Online

Click here to book an appointment online

or download the App and have it installed on your phone for quick access to book your next appointment.

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Shelley Hub Family Practice is a professional medical centre with a mission for quality healthcare. Doctors, nurses and allied health providers will take care of your most precious possession, your health.


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Shelley Hub Family Practice Appointments & Fees